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New York Medical Group Management Associatio

The New York State Affiliated Chapter of MGMA

Welcome to the American College of Medical Practice Executives!

As the certifying body of MGMA, ACMPE has been delivering professional development opportunities based on the Body of Knowledge for Medical Practice Management since 1956.

Career advancement and career development is a lifelong journey and a requirement in healthcare to stay on top. Learn more of the value of each ACMPE offering and credentials.


Demonstrate a commitment to your profession, physicians and patients. For more than 60 years, the American College of Medical Practice Executives (ACMPE) has been elevating exceptional medical practice managers to the role of Certified Medical Practice Executive (CMPE) and Fellow (FACMPE).


Becoming a Fellow in the American College of Medical Practice Executives (FACMPE) demonstrates leadership, innovation, and professional engagement in the healthcare industry and the advancement of medical group management..

Fellowship is developed for healthcare professionals and medical practice executives aiming to demonstrate expert knowledge of the principles of medical group management and leadership.

Start your Fellowship journey today.


Group practice management is unique, and the profession’s nuances make it unlike any other. That’s why the Body of Knowledge (BOK) for Medical Practice Management is so essential to success. It serves as a repository of industry knowledge, a guide to practice management, an assessment of competency and a learning tool.

The BOK also serves as the exam blueprint for MGMA members who are pursuing certification and Fellowship through the American College of Medical Practice Executives (ACMPE), the certification and standard-setting entity of MGMA.

Thank you to our
Exclusive Professional Liability Sponsor!

Thank you to our
Diamond Corporate Sponsors!


PO Box 3403, Hamilton, NJ, 08619
P: 844-333-5511 E: info@newyorkmgma.com
穢  2015 - 2020 蹤獲扦.

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